Ramanjit received her Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India. During her Ph.D., she identified and characterized various antiviral molecules against alphaviruses including chikungunya and aura virus. After completing her doctoral studies, Ramanjit joined NYU Langone Medical Center as a postdoctoral fellow, where she worked on interferon-inducible host protein, receptor transporter protein 4 (RTP4) against coronaviruses including SARS-CoV-2 and HCoV-OC43. In another project, she studied the lentiviral vector-based dendritic cells vaccine approach against lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-induced encephalitis in the mice model. She investigated the basis of neurodegenerative disease using gene expression studies under the Leon Levy Neuroscience Fellowship.
Ramanjit joined tenOever lab in January 2023 where she is working on the biology of the influenza A virus non-structural proteins NS1 and NS2 and their role in cellular signaling pathways. In another project, she is exploring the potential for intracellular delivery of various nanobodies.
Gergely Rona, Andras Zeke, Bearach Miwatani-Minter, Maren de Vries, Ramanjit Kaur, Austin Schinlever, Sheena Faye Garcia, Hailey V Goldberg, Hui Wang, Thomas R Hinds, Fabrice Bailly, Ning Zheng, Philippe Cotelle, Didier Desmaƫle, Nathaniel R Landau, Meike Dittmann, Michele Pagano
10.1038/s41418-021-00900-1 23/12/2021
PMID: 34862481
Tada T, Fan C, Chen JS, Kaur R, Stapleford KA, Gristick H, Dcosta BM, Wilen CB, Nimigean CM, Landau NR
10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108528 01/12/2020
PMID: 33326798
Kaur R, Neetu, Mudgal R, Jose J, Kumar P, Tomar S
10.1016/j.virol.2018.10.009 25/10/2018
PMID: 30388630
Kaur R, Mudgal R, Narwal M, Tomar S
10.1016/j.virusres.2018.06.013 02/09/2018
PMID: 29958924