Rasmus joined Ben’s lab as a Master’s student in 2015 and finished his thesis project on human cytomegalovirus gene regulation, using microRNAs as a tool to study herpesvirus biology. He continued in the PhD program where he contributed to the characterization of the host response to SARS-CoV-2 and testing of antivirals against COVID-19. Further work included the development a system to restrict CRISPR/Cas12a-mediated genome editing to a specific target cell type of interest based on the microRNA expression profile of the target cell.
Justin J Frere, Randal A Serafini, Kerri D Pryce, Marianna Zazhytska, Kohei Oishi, Ilona Golynker, Maryline Panis, Jeffrey Zimering, Shu Horiuchi, Daisy A Hoagland, Rasmus Møller, Anne Ruiz, Albana Kodra, Jonathan B Overdevest, Peter D Canoll, Alain C Borczuk, Vasuretha Chandar, Yaron Bram, Robert Schwartz, Stavros Lomvardas, Venetia Zachariou, Benjamin R tenOever
10.1101/2022.01.18.476786 28/09/2022
PMID: 35857629
Zazhytska M, Kodra A, Hoagland DA, Frere J, Fullard JF, Shayya H, McArthur NG, Moeller R, Uhl S, Omer AD, Gottesman ME, Firestein S, Gong Q, Canoll PD, Goldman JE, Roussos P, tenOever BR, Jonathan B Overdevest, Lomvardas S
10.1016/j.cell.2022.01.024 02/02/2022
PMID: 35180380
Zazhytskka M, Kodra A, Hoagland DA, Frere J, Fullard JF, Shayya H, McArthur NG, Moeller R, Uhl S, Omer AD, Gottesman ME, Firestein S, Gong Q, Canoll PD, Goldman JE, Roussos P, tenOever BR, Overdevest JB, Lomvardas S.
Cell 01/02/2022
PMID: Pending
Horiuchi and Oishi et al.
Sci. Immunology 26/10/2021